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Camping Site in Mountains

Decide.  Commit.  Succeed.

Recovery doesn't happen by accident.


JSB Works LLC was founded on the simple principle that everyone deserves the opportunity to create a life free from drugs and alcohol in safe, supportive environment.  Having undergone my own journey in recovery I understood the need for accountability and responsibility early in recovery to create a foundation that could be truly built upon.  Ensuring others have the ability to create their foundations became the driving force behind this program.  

Recovery does not just happen in the rooms, recovery happens every minute of every day.  It is as simple as choosing to make your bed in the morning and as hard as making it through a family event. Recovery is found working a job and paying bills while actively working a program and building bonds with family.  It is a lot to take on and having the support of those who know and are walking similar roads is a key component of this program.  Learning how to operate in a world where coping does not include drugs or alcohol takes time, it's encouraged that you stay a minimum of 3 months and truly commit to creating the life you are worthy of.

You are expected to use this time to learn what sobriety truly means, as I like to say, life happens whether you are ready or not.  Early recovery always comes with growing pains and the need for oversight and accountability is vital to our sobriety.  While making a bed may seem small the mindset it instills is the cornerstone of responsibility in all aspects of life.  Finding employment, that is gainful and gives you pride will provide you the means to handle your financial obligations creating confidence in yourself.  Taking the time for recovery and support by creating a family with the members of the houses sets the groundwork for long-term sobriety.

Sobriety is a journey, but there is no need to walk alone.



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